Period Sex 101

Period Sex 101

The idea of having period sex can be bloody intimidating. But why? Unfortunately, both periods and sex have historically been shrouded in hush-hush taboos, but in reality, there’s so much that cou...
Your Monthly Meets… Julie Moulder

Your Monthly Meets… Julie Moulder

Every month we ask extraordinary women ten questions about their periods and life, starting with our fabulous founders. This month we hear from Julie, Co-Founder of The Fix, on why no conversation ...
Is organic period care worth the hype?

Is organic period care worth the hype?

The world of period care can be tricky. One menstrual cycle, you think you’ve found your go-to brand of tampons, pads, cups or undies. But by the time the next bleed rolls around, you might’ve caug...
Period Symptoms. The Fix

Period Symptoms. The Fix

Here at The Fix we celebrate individuality. No two women are the same. Similarly period symptoms differ. Symptoms vary from individual to individual, month to month and over a woman’s lifetime. So,...


Here at The Fix we’re proud to be part of a revolution against the stigma of menstruation. Around the world women are refusing to be silenced and shamed about their periods.  We’ll bring you update...
The Fix. Bold. Brave. Unashamed.

The Fix. Bold. Brave. Unashamed.

In some historic cultures periods were deemed sacred and powerful. Roman philosopher, Pliny the Elder, described menstruation as a miraculum — meaning something wondrous and curious. There was a be...